Preview No. 2 of Art Market San Francisco 2014

Al Farrow 'Skull of Santo Guerro III', 2011 (guns, gun parts, bullets, cartridge shells, steel, brass, lead shot, glass, bone, antique textile (mid 16th century Italian silk with gold and silver embroidery)) (Courtesy of Catharine Clark Gallery)
Art Fair season has arrived in San Francisco and this year there is one main event -- Art Market San Francisco. Ensconced in the Festival Pavilion at the Fort Mason Center, this year's fair is set to show some of the latest and greatest works that 70 local, national, and international galleries have to offer.

David Huffman 'Planet of the Apes', 2014 (mixed media on canvas) (Courtesy of Patricia Sweetow Gallery)
Here is a another sneak preview of what will be on display when you visit. I look forward to seeing you at the fair!
Art Market San Francisco: May 15 -18, 2014 - Fort Mason Festival Pavilion, 2 Marina Blvd San Francisco, CA 94123
Thursday, May 15: Benefit Preview Reception: 6:00pm to 8:00pm, Opening Night Party: 8:30pm to 10:30pm.
Regular Fair Hours:
Friday, May 16: 11:00am to 7:00pm
Saturday, May 17:11:00am to 7:00pm
Sunday, May 18: 12:00pm to 6:00pm.

Peter Alexander '10/17/12', 2012 (urethane) (Courtesy of Brian Gross Fine Art)

Freddy Chandra 'Pulse', 2012 (plexiglass, resin and airbrush pigments) (Courtesy of Walter Maciel Gallery, Los Angeles, CA)

Julio César Morales 'We are the Dead #7', 2013 (video study; digital type C print) (Courtesy of Gallery Wendi Norris)

Craig Dorety and Jim Campbell 'Inverted Pixel Array -- Street Scene NYC', 2014 (LEDs,custom electronics, Jim Campbell's recording) (Courtesy of Johansson Projects)

Samantha Fields 'Future Street', 2014 (acrylic on canvas over panel) (Courtesy of Traywick Contemporary)

Retna 'La Batalla de la Piedra', 2013 (enamel and acrylic on canvas) (Courtesy of New Image Art)

Dave Eggers 'Untitled', 2013, (china marker on paper) (Courtesy of Electric Works)

Jenn Shifflet 'Rhythms', 2014 (oil on canvas) (Courtesy of Chandra Cerrito Contemporary)

Jason Brinkeroff 'Untitled', 2014 (graphite, colored pencil, wax pastel, ink, acrylic) (Courtesy of Ampersand Gallery)

Crystal Wagner 'Spectrum: Bio Interloper IV', 2013 (screen print, relief print, cut paper, wood, paint, wire) (Courtesy of Hashimoto Contemporary)

Christina Empedocles, 'Untitled', 2014 (graphite) (Courtesy of Jack Fischer Gallery)

Gregg Renfrow 'Recognition', 2013 (polymer & pigment on cast acrylic) (Courtesy of Toomey Tourell Gallery)

James Chronister '1971', 2013 (oil on canvas) (Courtesy of Eleanor Harwood Gallery)
#SamanthaFields #TraywickContemporary #Retna #NewImageArt #JamesBrinkeroff #AmpersandGallery #JenSchifflet #ChandraCerritoContemporary #JamesChronister #EleanorHarwoodGallery #CrystalWagner #HashimotoContemporary #DaveEggers #ElectricworksGallery #JohanssonProjects #CraigDorety #JimCampbell #GreggRenfrow #ToomeyTourellFineArt #JulioCesarMorales #GalleryWendiNorris #FreddyChandra #WalterMacielGallery #ChristinaEmpedocles #JackFischerGallery #PeterAlexander #BrianGrossFineArt #DavidHuffman #PatriciaSweetowGallery #AlFarrow #CatharineClarkGallery