In Memoriam: The Incomparable Paule Anglim

Image Courtesy of Gallery Paule Anglim
The Bay Area art community has gone into mourning with the news that prominent dealer Paule Anglim passed away peacefully on Thursday, April 2, 2015 in her Russian Hill home.
A leader in in showing the some of San Francisco's most important artists from the 20th and 21st centuries, Gallery Paule Anglim has always been one of the sought out homes for artists to show their work. Paule Anglim opened her gallery in the early 1970s, with its first home in the Northbeach neighborhood of San Francisco. From early on the gallery showed beat generation luminaries such as Jess (Collins), Robert Duncan,. Later she began showing artists from the Fillmore Group (incl. Joan Brown, Jean Conner, and Bruce Conner) and the best of the Bay Area conceptual movement, with Paul Kos, Tom Marioni, David Ireland, Terry Fox, and Jim Melchert among them. The Gallery re-located to 14 Geary St. in 1982 and has been there for the last 33 years.
Her eye for talent was not limited to the Bay Area, with her showing artists from around the United States and abroad. Louise Bourgeois, Alexander Calder, Tony Oursler, William Tucker, Bull.Miletic, James Castle, Carrie Mae Weems, and Lynn Hershman Leeson are among them. The nationally famed sculptor Deborah Butterfield and sculptor/printmaker John Buck, while currently residing in Montana, had their beginnings in the Bay Area. Both have been represented by the gallery for many years.
Anglim was also a champion of young and emerging artists. Discovering and helping to build their careers, a number of artists on her roster that have grown to national prominence. Vincent Fecteau, Nayland Blake, John Zurier, John Beech, and Barry McGee are among those now with a national presence. Among the emerging artists she has given a home to and nurtured include Clare Rojas, Ala Ebtekar, Canan Tolon, Colter Jacobsen, Keith Hale, and James Sterling Pitt.
Born in Quebec, Paule Anglim was fluent in both French and English, visiting Paris often throughout her life. She married twice in her life. The first to Charles Anglim, with whom she had a son Philip Anglim, and the second to William Turnbull, both deceased. She is survived by her son and her extended family in the North Bay. Philip Anglim is an award winning actor of stage, film, and television. Details for services to be announced.
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